Our Plans
Our Plan is Divided into Three Phases
Phase 1. – Planning Phase;
1. Locate the original Boundary line. If there’s encroachment problem, define a new build-able boundary and prepare as-built site Plan of existing structures based on the new boundary
2. Prepare Survey of the boundary Line and the general property
c. Identify suitable area within the property and prepare plans for a 5/6 bedroom bungalow (American duplex) to serve as the Doctors/Nurses quarters.
d. Prepare plans for renovation/upgrade of the existing Maternity and Health Center buildings to serve as the hospital.
Phase 2. Construction Phase;
1. Construct the 5 to 6 the Doctors/Nurses Quarters per the plan
2. Move the Nurses currently residing inside the Maternity building to the new quarters
Renovate the Maternity and Health Center building per the plans
3. Complete the parameter fencing around the entire property with 2 gates at the frontage for entrance and exist respectively.
Phase 3. Post Construction Phase;
1. Demolish the existing dilapidated Nurses quarter
2. Landscaping