About Us


Making abor a Better Place For All of Us

Who We Are

Abor Diaspora Inc. is a Non-Profit 501(c) Organization that is registered in the state of Texas. Abor Diaspora was formed in January, 2017 and comprises of all the people from seven villages in Abor Iyimawubu residing outside Nigeria. Our membership has grown to over one hundred and twenty members since inception and still growing with a target of two hundred members by the end of the year 2020. Currently, our membership spans across the globe from mostly United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, and Austria. As a young and progressive organization, we are continuously searching and reaching out to all our people in every continent for inclusion as members of our great organization.

Membership: Anyone over the age of 18 that is either by birth or marriage from one of the seven villages of Abor Iyimawubu Kingdom, residing outside Nigeria.

Meetings: We hold our teleconference meetings every last Sunday of each month with the exception of the month of December.

Conventions/Fundraising: We hold Conventions/Fundraising once every three years between the months of June and September. Our first Convention/Fundraising was held on July 20, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. The next Convention/Fundraising is slated for the Dallas Texas, in the summer of 2022.

Mission And Vision


Our Mission: To promote unity within the people of Abor in Diaspora and enrich the Lives of People of Abor”

Our Vision: Create and maintain a strong cohesive Community of Abor people in Diaspora for generations to come with the intent of helping the underprivileged people in our hometown Abor through:

1. Creating avenues to communicate with each other
2. Encouraging camaraderie among our children and fostering activities that expose and integrate them into our culture
3. Supporting each other in times of crises
4. Working together to raise funds for common good of Abor people
5. Carrying out projects in Abor that target the areas of education; healthcare; and rural Development.

All Current Campaigns

Our Executives

Albert Anidi


Assumpta Odiegwu

(Assistant Provost)

Austin Emeh

(Spiritual Adviser)

Emeka Egbuji


Julin Egbuji


Ngozi Agada

(Asst. PRO)

Paul Mgbodile

(Vice President)

Peter Ochi

(Assistant Secetary)

Rita Onyemah

(Financial Secretary)

Romeo Egbuji


Rose Onoh


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